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Fee Schedule

Type of Filing Fee
Apostille Fee $50
Attorney Admission - Biennial Renewal Fee $100
Attorney Admission - General $249
Attorney Admission - Late Renewal Penalty Fee $25
Attorney Admission - Pro Hac Vice $200
Central Violations Bureau Processing $30
Certificate of Good Standing/Certificate of Admission $21
Certification $12
Civil Case Filing $405
Copies $.50/page
Copies Printed from Public Access Terminal $.10/page
Duplicate Admission Certificate $21
Electronic Copies - For reproducing and transmitting in any manner a copy of an electronic record stored outside of the court's electronic case management system $33
Exemplification $24
Filing/Indexing Miscellaneous Paper $52
Habeas Corpus Filing $5
Misdemeanor Appeal $41
Notice of Appeal (Civil and Criminal) $605
Record Retrievals
          First Box Retrieved
          Each Additional Box
          Base Record Retrieval Flat Fee
          Additional Fee for Each Page of the Record
Record Search $34
Reproduction of Audio Recording of a Court Proceeding $34
Returned Check $53


Transcript Fees