- Forgot password
- Want password changed
- Still haven't received new login and password
- Do not yet have an account
- Some of the menu items do not appear after login
- I click on the document number and am taken to a login screen
- I click on the document number link and nothing happens
- I click on the document link and my acrobat reader says it can't display the file
- I click on the document link and my Adobe Acrobat opens, but displays a blank screen
- While docketing, I am prompted for PACER login
- I'm trying to docket an event and it tells me that this transaction has already been posted.
- I tried to file a document but it says "format not recognized"—what am I doing wrong?
- There is not a hyperlink to a document in my e-mail notification. What should I do?
- Will the system support scanned documents in color?
- How can I get training?
- What is the court's CM/ECF website address?
- How an "Out of Office" rule in your email affects CM/ECF?
- What happens when I am on vacation and I don't have access to e-mail?
Login Name and Password
Always login with the ECF user name and password first, then if prompted again enter the PACER login and password. This fixes many problems.
Two options that should to be checked in order to use CM/ECF are: (1) always clear the cache, and (2) refresh should be set to “every time I view the page” or similar settings. After making these changes, close out the web browser then reopen.
The preferred internet browser for CM/ECF users is Internet Explorer 7 and 8. To download Internet Explorer, go to http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/internet-explorer/downloads/ie.
Internet Explorer
- From the menu click on "Tools-->Internet Options"
- On the "General" tab under the "Browsing History" heading, click on the "Settings..." button.
- Make sure "Everytime I visit the webpage" is selected under "Check for newer versions of stored pages:"
- Click "OK" button
- Click "OK" button
- If the document is for a Criminal, Magistrate, or Social Security case, when clicking on the link for the document for the first time, it will prompt for a login to the ECF/PACER account. Always login using the ECF login/password first. If you login using the PACER account, you will lose the free look and will have to take up the billing dispute with PACER. At the second prompt, enter the PACER login/password. This should open the document and is the “free look.”
- If the document is for a non-social security civil case, when clicking on the document link, for the first time, it will prompt for the ECF login/password. This should open the document. This is the free look.
- If clicking on the case number link you will receive a login prompt. Always login with the PACER account. There is no free look at the Docket Report. There will be a PACER charge.
- If you login to ECF or PACER without using the email link there will be a charge.
How to tell what type of case it is:
- Criminal: The case number will contain a "cr" (example "4:05cr40056")
- Magistrate: The case number will contain a "m" (example "4:05m456")
- Social Security: The defendant will be the Social Security Administration (or SSA)
- Non-Social Security Civil: The case number will contain a "cv" (example "4:05cv456"), and the defendant will not be the Social Security Administration (or SSA)
- Check the docket sheet and click on the silver ball next to the document number. This will show all recipients.
- If it shows an e-mail was sent, verify that the e-mail address shown is correct.
- If the address is wrong, enter the correct address at Utilities/Maintain User Account.
- If the address is correct, please check with the Internet Service Provider to confirm that the district court has not been identified as spam (unwanted e-mail). Sometimes the (ISP) will automatically add new senders as spam, and you have to contact them and have the district court removed from the list.
Send an e-mail to ilsd-ecfreg@ilsd.uscourts.gov to request a new password. Please be certain to include the attorney's full name and telephone number.
Login to CM/ECF and click Utilities/ Maintain Your Account. Next, click on the More User Information button at the bottom of the screen. Then delete all the stars (*) in the Password field, type in a new password, then click Return To Account Screen. Next, click the Submit button.
Still haven't received new login and password
Send an e-mail to ilsd-ecfreg@ilsd.uscourts.gov to request a password. Please be certain to include the attorney's full name and telephone number.
Each attorney MUST have their own individual PACER account to use NextGen. Shared PACER accounts cannot be used for filing.
If you do not already have your own PACER account, go to https://pacer.uscourts.gov and click on "Register for an Account."
Some of the menu items do not appear after they login
- Check the web browser settings (see instructions on page 1) and change if necessary. Then logout of CM/ECF and close the browser. Reopen and log back in to CM/ECF.
- If previous step does not work, please call the HELP DESK at (866) 867-3169 (East St. Louis) or (866) 222-2104 (Benton). You may also send an e-mail message to the HELP DESK at ecfhelp@ilsd.uscourts.gov.
I click on the document number and am taken to a login screen.
- If the case is a Criminal, Magistrate, or Social Security case, you must first use the ECF login/password, then the PACER login/password.
- If you have already viewed the case using the link in the email, you must login to PACER. Charges will accrue.
I click on the document number link and nothing happens.
This has been happening with the AOL users. If you are using AOL mail and the AOL browser, you will have to change the email notification from HTML to text.
I click on the document link and my acrobat reader says it can't display the file.
Make sure you have the most current version of acrobat reader. Acrobat reader can be downloaded for free at www.acrobat.com.
I click on the document link and my Adobe Acrobat opens, but displays a blank screen.
- Open Adobe Acrobat, click on Help then Updates. Install all available updates.
- Open Adobe Acrobat 5.0, select Edit >Preferences then General Options, Remove checkmarks from:
a. Display pdf in browser
b. Allow fast web view - Open Adobe Acrobat 6.0, select Edit/Preferences then Internet. Remove checkmarks from:
a. Display pdf in browser
b. Allow fast web view
While docketing, I am prompted for PACER login
This is usually caused by clicking on the hyperlink for the case instead of the Next button. After choosing an event to docket and entering the case number, the next screen that comes up will have a hyperlink with a Next and Clear button underneath it. Click on Next instead of the hyperlink.
What has probably happened is that you docketed an event for a case, and then clicked on the browser back button a few times to get to a point where you could enter another case number and then docketed another event. By clicking the back button, instead of clicking on the ‘Civil’ or ‘Criminal’ icons on the menu bar, you are keeping the information pulled for the last case you docketed. Only use the back button to correct a mistake on an event you are in the process of docketing, not to change cases.
I tried to file a document but it says "format not recognized"—what am I doing wrong?
All documents must be submitted in Adobe PDF (portable document format) with an extension of ".pdf". Two common errors occur. First, a user thinks that he/she saved the document in PDF. The user then tries to file the word processor (i.e. Word, WordPerfect, etc.) version of the document; not the saved PDF version. Second, a user fails to indicate the full path name for the PDF file he/she wants to upload. Because the system could not find the file, it responded with the "format not recognized" message. The solution--provide the full path name when identifying the file (example: "c:\documents\motion.pdf") during the upload process.
There is not a hyperlink to a document in my e-mail notification. What should I do?
The court has the ability to create a docket entry without attaching a PDF document. The information shown on the screen is considered the court record, and the entire text of the document is reflected in the docket text.
Will the system support scanned documents in color?
Yes, the system supports scanned and all other documents in color, however, the size of the color document is considerably larger, and local courts may establish individual policies regarding color, graphics, and embedded video. At this time our limit is 20 Pages or 1.5 megabyte in size.
This answer will vary depending on the software installed.
There is computer based training available at the PACER site on the web at http://www.pacer.gov/psc/htraining.html.
What is the court's CM/ECF website address?
https://ecf.ilsd.uscourts.gov. Click on the first hyperlink on the list to open the CM/ECF login screen.
Yes. If you set up an “Out of Office” message on your e-mail, please make sure that the email address ‘ilsd_nef@ilsd.uscourts.gov' is included as an exception to the automatic reply rule set up with your “Out of Office” e-mail notice.
What happens when I am on vacation and I don’t have access to e-mail?
You could add additional e-mail addresses to your account, so that another staff member may monitor the filings in your absence. Or change your default e-mail address to another staff member so that someone else may monitor your e-mail during your absence.