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Mandatory Mediation Program

The Mandatory Mediation Plan is designed to provide quicker, less expensive, and potentially more satisfying alternatives to continuing litigation, without impairing the quality of justice or the right to trial.

Detailed information regarding the Mandatory Mediation Plan is accessible via the links below. We ask that parties familiarize themselves with these documents, along with the Case Management Order, so they are prepared to discuss the possibility of mediation at their Initial Pretrial Conference. Offering this program provides a valuable service to the public and we appreciate and look forward to your cooperation. 

** Monthly Mediator Spotlight **

Mandatory Mediation Plan PDF Icon
Mediation Panel - List of Approved Mediators Link
Mandatory Panel List PDF Icon
Mediator Application MS Word Icon
Mediator Oath of Office PDF Icon
Report of Mediation MS Word Icon
Stipulation Selecting Mediator MS Word Icon
Attestation Regarding Private Mediator MS Word Icon
Joint Report of the Parties and Proposed Scheduling Order (Referred to Mediation) MS Word Icon
Joint Report of the Parties and Proposed Scheduling Order (Referred to Mediation) - Judge Dugan MS Word Icon
Joint Report of the Parties and Proposed Scheduling Order (Referred to Mediation) - Judge Gilbert MS Word Icon
Joint Report of the Parties and Proposed Scheduling Order (Referred to Mediation) - Judge Yandle MS Word Icon
Notice of Limited Appearance of Special Mediation Counsel MS Word Icon
Attorney Instructions for Docketing Stipulation Selecting Mediator PDF Icon
How to Docket a Report of Mandatory Mediation PDF Icon